Policy Brief on Food Sovereignty
By: Avianna Amancio NMSJEI 2024 Summer Intern
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Uncover the truth about Uranium Mines in the United States and their impact on the Body Map. Join us for the educational webinar, 'Radiate The Truth,' co-hosted by NMSEI, Beyond Nuclear, and the Radiation + Gender Impact Project. Through two powerful videos, we unveil the alarming health consequences and ecological impacts on land, the female body, and even the delicate journey of the fetus.
Source for Diet Quality: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7296825/
Creating Social Change: A Guide for Everyday Citizens
We have created a guide for everyday people and Indigenous youth to learn more about social change. Participants will learn how to answer the call for social justice and set goals using specific strategies and research.